To be or not to be...

I bet most people would agree that Shakespeare's works are difficult to read and understand. Even as an AP English student, I have trouble understanding the plays, and Hamlet is no exception. One of the best ways to understand the play is to find other sources and research the play, and one of the greatest wealths of information is the internet. But watch out, there are a lot of bad sites with incorrect information. So how do you distinguish the good sites from the bad? With a lot of time, patience, and reading the really helpful websites can be found. Here I have compiled some of the best websites I could find on different aspects of Shakespeare's Hamlet.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

No Fear Shakespeare

No Fear Shakespeare on Sparknotes is one of the greatest resources to use if you are having difficulty understanding the old English that Shakespeare used. It offers a side-by-side version of Hamlet where the original text is right next to a modern version of the play. This side-by-side format is great for understanding the language that is no longer used today. While it is a very useful site, it is important that you read the original version first, because you will pick up on details and specific word choice that is not used in the modern text. This is a great site to supplement Hamlet's original text.

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